The Clock Says Petals Class 5 Lesson 10 Question Answer Up Board Petals Class 5 Chapter 10

The Clock Says Petals Class 5 Lesson 10 Question Answer Up Board Petals Class 5 Chapter 10

The Clock Says

It is six o’clock.
It is morning.
It is time to get up.
Ravi wishes his mother, ‘Good morning’.

ये छ: बज रहा है।
यह सुबह है।
उठने का समय हो गया है।
रवि ने अपनी मां को शुभकामनाएं दीं, ‘सुप्रभात’।

It is a quarter to nine.
Ravi has had his breakfast.
He is going to school.

सवा नौ बजे हैं।
रवि ने नाश्ता कर लिया है।
वह विद्यालय जा रहा है।

It is half past twelve.
It is afternoon.
It is time for lunch.
Ravi is having lunch.

साढ़े बारह।
दोपहर हो चुकी है।
दोपहर के भोजन का समय हो गया।
रवि लंच कर रहा है।

It is half past five.
It is evening.
It is time to play.
Ravi is playing football in the playground.

साढ़े पांच बजे हैं।
सन्ध्या हो गई है।
यह खेलने का समय है।
रवि खेल के मैदान में फुटबॉल खेल रहा है।

It is a quarter past seven.
Ravi is studying.
He is doing his home-work.

सवा सात बजे हैं।
रवि पढ़ाई कर रहा है।
वह अपना होमवर्क कर रहा है।

It is nine o’clock.
It is time to go to bed.
Ravi is sleeping.

अभी नौ बजे हैं।
यह बिस्तर पर जाने का समय है।
रवि सो रहा है।


Comprehension Questions

Q.1 : Answer the following questions:

a. When do you get up in the morning?

Ans: I get up in the morning at six o’ clock.

b. Do you reach school on time? What time does your school start and end ?

Ans: Yes, I reach school on time. My school starts at 9.00 AM and ends at 3.00 PM.

c. At what time do you play with your friends?

Ans: I play with my friends at six in the evening.

d. Which is the best time to sleep? At what time do you go to sleep ?

Ans: Nine o’clock is the best time to go to sleep. I do the same.

Q.2 : Look at the clocks and write the time in the space given below. One is done for you.

  1. Half past three.
  2. quarter to nine.
  3. quarter past four.
  4. five o’clock.
  5. quarter to six.
  6. quarter past ten.
The Clock Says Petals Class 5 Lesson 10 Question Answer Up Board Petals Class 5 Chapter 10

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