Open a Book Spring Class 4 Lesson 9 Great! Here’s some information and potential learning objectives related to “Open a Book” for a 4th grade spring class, specifically for Lesson 9

Open a Book Spring Class 4 Lesson 9 Question Answer Spring Class 4 Chapter 9

Open a Book

Open a book
And you will find
People and places of every kind;

Translation : एक किताब खोलें
और आप पाएंगे
हर प्रकार के लोग और स्थान;

Open a book
And you can be
Anything that you want to be;

Translation : एक किताब खोलें
और आप हो सकते हैं
जो कुछ भी तुम बनना चाहते हो;

Open a book
And you can share
Wondrous words you find in there;

Translation : एक किताब खोलें
और आप शेयर कर सकते हैं
अद्भुत शब्द जो आपको वहां मिलते हैं;

Open a book
And I will too,
You read to me
And I’ll read to you.

Translation : एक किताब खोलें
और मैं भी करूँगा,
आपने मुझे पढ़ा
और मैं आपको पढ़ूंगा।

Comprehension Questions

Q.1 : Answer the following questions:

a. What do you find when you open a book?

Ans: When we open a book, we find people and places of every kind.

b. What do you share when you open a book?

Ans: We share the wonderful words we find here.

c. Do you think, “Books are our best friends” if so,

Ans: Yes, Books are our best friends because we read them and they read us.

Word Power:

Q.1 : Complete the given stanza with the help
of words given in the box:

me, read, book, too

a. Open a book
b. And I will too,
c. You read to me
d. And I’ll read to you.

Open a Book Spring Class 4 Lesson 9 Question Answer Spring Class 4 Chapter 9

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