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Sarkari Schools
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Government schools are primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded and controlled by the local, state or national government. Since they are supported by the government, they are wholly or partly funded by taxation.
Advantages of Government Schools:
The fees are very affordable.
Provide free education for those who can’t afford.
Free mid-day meals.
Provide free uniform to children.
Reserved sears for the underprivileged.
Provide the basic sports facilities and physical education to the students.
Minimum infrastructure to meet basic needs.
Essay On Environment For All Class 1-12
Looking for an essay on environment? Read this informative essay that discusses the importance of the environment, the challenges it…
International Women’s Day 2023 | अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस| Women’s day Mission Shakti | Power Angel Meena Manch
International Women’s Day अन्तरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस International Women’s Day 2023 -अन्तरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस हर वर्ष, 8 मार्च को मनाया जाता…
Essay On Water Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Learn about the causes, effects, and solutions to essay on water pollution in this informative essay. Discover the impact of…
Essay on Artificial Intelligence in English: A Revolutionary Leap into the Future
Explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through this comprehensive Essay on Artificial Intelligence in English. Discover the applications,…
अव्यय-शब्दाः Avyay Shabda Class 5 Sanskrit Subodh Lesson 6 संस्कृत सुबोध कक्षा 5 पाठ 6
संस्कृत सुबोध कक्षा 5 पाठ 6 अव्यय-शब्दाः Avyay Shabda Class 5 Sanskrit Subodh Lesson 6 Class 5 Sanskrit Subodh chapter…
Printable Worksheets for Class 4
Sarkarischools.in has the BEST collection of free worksheets. Simply find the Printable Worksheets for Class 4 kids you like and…
Hindi Diwas Speech in Hindi For Students
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Write a Letter to an editor on the health hazards of junk food
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Gk Questions For Class 8 in Hindi
यहां मैं हिंदी में कक्षा 8 (Gk Questions For Class 8 in Hindi) के लिए जीके (सामान्य ज्ञान) प्रश्न प्रस्तुत…