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Sarkari Schools
Best is yet to come from up SarkariSchools
Government schools are primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded and controlled by the local, state or national government. Since they are supported by the government, they are wholly or partly funded by taxation.
Advantages of Government Schools:
The fees are very affordable.
Provide free education for those who can’t afford.
Free mid-day meals.
Provide free uniform to children.
Reserved sears for the underprivileged.
Provide the basic sports facilities and physical education to the students.
Minimum infrastructure to meet basic needs.

Teachers Day Speech in Sanskrit-शिक्षक दिवस पर संस्कृत में निबंध
Teachers Day Speech in Sanskrit-शिक्षक दिवस पर संस्कृत में निबंध Teachers Day Speech in Sanskrit-शिक्षक दिवस पर संस्कृत में निबंध…
प्रज्ञा कक्षा 8 प्रश्न उत्तर | UP Board Solutions Pragya Class 8 | UP SCERT BOOKS SOLUTION CLASS 8 PRAGYA
प्रज्ञा कक्षा 8 प्रश्न उत्तर | UP Board Solutions Pragya Class 8″ के लिए समग्र समाधान ढूंढ रहे हैं? अपनी…

Essay on Amrit Bharat Station Scheme
The Ministry of Railways has introduced the “Amrit Bharat Station” scheme, a new policy focused on the modernization of railway…

World Ozone Day Speech in English
World Ozone Day Speech in English: Explore the significance of World Ozone Day with a compelling speech on the ozone…

Short and Long Essay on Mother in Hindi- 10 lines माँ पर निबंध
हिंदी में माँ पर छोटे और लंबे निबंध (Short and Long Essay on Mother in Hindi- 10 lines माँ पर…

International Day for the Preservation of Ozone Layer
International Day for the Preservation of Ozone Layer: Discover the significance of the International Day for the Preservation of Ozone…
Vowel and Consonant in english
26 English Letters Alphabet Vowel and Consonant The Alphabets can be written both in Capital Letters and in Small Letters….
हिंदी वर्णमाला किसे कहते है?
हिन्दी वर्णमाला : हिंदी भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई ध्वनि होती है। इसी ध्वनि को ही वर्ण कहा जाता है।…
Teaching Learning Material in English
Teaching Learning Material Teaching learning materials refer to the resources used by educators to facilitate learning and understanding among students….