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Sarkari Schools
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Government schools are primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded and controlled by the local, state or national government. Since they are supported by the government, they are wholly or partly funded by taxation.
Advantages of Government Schools:
The fees are very affordable.
Provide free education for those who can’t afford.
Free mid-day meals.
Provide free uniform to children.
Reserved sears for the underprivileged.
Provide the basic sports facilities and physical education to the students.
Minimum infrastructure to meet basic needs.

खादी महोत्सव पर निबंध-Essay on Khadi Mahotsav in Hindi
खादी महोत्सव पर निबंध-Essay on Khadi Mahotsav in Hindi: खादी महोत्सव पर हमारे ज्ञानवर्धक निबंध के साथ भारत की सांस्कृतिक…
The Clever Farmer Petals Class 5 Lesson 6 Question Answer Up Board Petals Class 5 Chapter 6
The Clever Farmer Petals Class 5 Lesson 6 Question Answer Up Board Petals Class 5 Chapter 6 The Clever Farmer…
भारत संसाधन और विकास कक्षा 8 प्रश्न उत्तर | UP Board Solutions Bharat Sansadhan Aur Vikas Class 8 | UP SCERT BOOKS SOLUTION CLASS 8 GEOGRAPHY
भारत संसाधन और विकास कक्षा 8 प्रश्न उत्तर | UP Board Solutions Bharat Sansadhan Aur Vikas Class 8 | UP…

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in English: A Revolutionary Leap into the Future
Explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through this comprehensive Essay on Artificial Intelligence in English. Discover the applications,…

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लूना 25 मून मिशन-Luna 25 Moon Mission in Hindi के साथ चंद्रमा की यात्रा पर निकलें | रूस के चंद्र अन्वेषण…
What is Remedial Teaching
What is Remedial Teaching:- Remedial teaching is a type of instruction that is specifically designed to help students who are…

राष्ट्रगौरव कलाम Rashtra Gaurav Kalam Class 5 Hindi Vatika Chapter 20
राष्ट्रगौरव कलाम Rashtra Gaurav Kalam Class 5 Hindi Vatika Chapter 20 प्रश्न-1. बोध प्रश्न : उत्तर लिखिए – (क) डॉ.ए.पी.जे….

Biography of P. Veeramuthuvel in English
Biography of P. Veeramuthuvel in English: Researcher Veera Muthuvel hails from Tamil Nadu and is associated with ISRO. He completed…

ONLINE NMMS QUIZ || NMMS EXAM MOCK TEST राष्ट्रीय आय एवं योग्यता आधारित परीक्षा के लिए ऑनलाइन क्विज Mock Test…