Dive into the intriguing narrative of ‘Mr. Garbage and Mrs. Polythene’ in English Reader Class 7 Lesson 4. Explore comprehensive UP Board Class 7 English Chapter 4 question-and-answer solutions. Uncover the environmental tale, grasp key insights, and excel in your studies with expert guidance. Elevate your understanding with detailed responses to enhance your academic journey. Access UP Board Solutions for a thorough comprehension of this captivating lesson.
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Mr. Garbage and Mrs. Polythene English Reader Class 7 Lesson 4 Up Board Class 7 English Chapter 4 Question Answer
Translation of the lesson of Mr. Garbage and Mrs. Polythene.
(A girl was talking to a heap of garbage)
Girl : Who are you? You smell so bad. I may fall sick.
Mr. Garbage : I am Mr. Garbage. I am found everywhere.
Girl : You look so ugly. What are you made of?
Mr. Garbage : I am made of vegetable peels, old and torn clothes, shoes, utensils, papers and anything useless that you throw away.
Girl : Where do you live Mr. Garbage?
Mr. Garbage : Dustbin is my home. You can also put me in a pit and cover it.
हिंदी अनुवाद :
(एक लड़की कूड़े-करकट के ढेर से बात कर रही थी ।)
लड़की : तुम कौन हो? तुम्हारी बदबू बहुत बुरी है। मैं बीमार पड़ सकती हूँ।
श्री गारबेज : मैं श्री गारबेज हूँ। मैं प्रत्येक स्थान पर पाया जाता हूँ।
लड़की : तुम बदसूरत दिखते हो। तुम किससे बने हो?
श्री गारबेज : मैं सब्जियों के छिलकों, पुराने और फटे हुए कपड़ों, जूतों, बरतनों, कागज तथा जो भी वस्तुएँ जिन्हें तुम बेकार समझ कर फेंकते हो, उनसे बना हूँ।
लड़की : श्री गारबेज तुम कहाँ रहते हो?
श्री गारबेज : कूड़ादान मेरा घर है। तुम मुझे एक गड्ढे में डाल सकते हो और उसे ढक सकते हो।
Girl : Then, why are you here?
Mr. Garbage : I am here because people throw me anywhere they like. If they put me in a pit and cover it, I may become useful for them.
Girl : How is that possible?
Mr. Garbage : There I mix with soil and turn into manure to grow rich crops for you.
Girl : That’s good. But who is that?
Mr. Garbage : She is Mrs. Polythene.
Girl : Mrs. Polythene, She looks so pretty.
Mr. Garbage : Dear child, no doubt she is very pretty and useful. But do you know animals die if they swallow it. She is the most dangerous enemy of man.
हिंदी अनुवाद :
लड़की : तब, आप यहाँ क्यों हैं?
श्री गारबेज : मैं यहाँ हूँ क्योंकि लोग मुझे जहाँ चाहते हैं फेंक देते हैं। यदि वे मुझे गड्ढे में डाल दें और ढक दें, तो मैं उनके लिए उपयोगी बन सकता हूँ।
लड़की : यह कैसे संभव है?
श्री गारबेज : वहाँ मैं मिट्टी के साथ मिलकर खाद बन सकता हूँ जो तुम्हारे लिए अच्छी फसलें उगाने में मदद करता
लड़की : यह अच्छा है। परन्तु वह कौन है?
श्री गारबेज : वह श्रीमति पॉलीथीन है।
लड़की : श्रीमति पॉलीथीन! वह बहुत सुन्दर दिखती है।
श्री गारबेज : प्यारे बच्चे, कोई सन्देह नहीं कि वह बहुत अच्छी और उपयोगी है। परन्तु क्या तुम जानती हो कि इसे यदि पशु निगल जाए तो वे मर जाते हैं? वह मनुष्य की सबसे खतरनाक दुश्मन है।
Girl : In what way?
Mr. Garbage : Because she is made of plastic. As I told you I can mix with soil, but plastic never mixes with soil. It remains in the soil for a long time.
Girl : For how long?
Mr. Garbage : Almost forever!
Girl : But Mr. Garbage, plastic is everywhere. We use so many things made of plastic like toys, containers, computers, clothes, bags, etc.
Mr. Garbage : You are right. People use it because plastic can be moulded into any shape, and it does not break easily. But remember, it is not good for the environment.
Girl : Okay, I will remember this and also ask my family and neighbours to stop using plastic.
Mr. Garbage: Good. Then our earth will be a clean and a healthy place to live in.
हिंदी अनुवाद :
लड़की : किस तरीके से?
श्री गारबेज : क्योंकि वह प्लास्टिक से बनी है। जैसा कि मैंने तुम्हें बताया मैं मिट्टी में मिल सकता हूँ, परन्तु प्लास्टिक कभी भी मिट्टी में नहीं मिलती। वह मिट्टी में लंबे समय तक ऐसी ही रहती है।
लड़की : कितने समय तक?
श्री गारबेज : लगभग हमेशा
लड़की : परन्तु श्री गारबेज, प्लास्टिक तो हर जगह है। हम प्लास्टिक से बनी बहुत सी वस्तुएं प्रयोग करते हैं। जैसे-खिलौने, बर्तन, कम्प्यूटर, कपड़े, बैग, आदि।
श्री गारबेज : तुम सही कहती हो। लोग इसे प्रयोग करते हैं क्योंकि प्लास्टिक किसी भी आकार में ढाली जा सकती है, और वह आसानी से टूटती भी नहीं। परन्तु याद रखो, वह पर्यावरण के लिए अच्छी नहीं है।
लड़की : ठीक है, मैं इसे याद रखेंगी और अपने परिवारजनों और पड़ोसियों को भी प्लास्टिक का प्रयोग बंद करने को कहूँगी।
श्री गारबेज : अच्छा है। फिर हमारी पृथ्वी रहने के लिए एक साफ और स्वस्थ स्थान बन जाएगी।
Mr. Garbage and Mrs. Polythene English Reader Class 7 Lesson 4 Up Board Class 7 English Chapter 4 Question Answer
EXERCISE (अभ्यास)
Questions and Answers of UP Board Class 7 English Chapter 4
Q.1 List the items you throw in the dustbin as garbage.
Answer: We throw vegetable peels, broken items, torn clothes, used papers, wrappers etc in the dustbin as garbage.
Q.2 What are the items generally thrown as garbage which can be reused or recycled?
Answer: Unused papers, metal items, toys, bags, clothes, etc.
Q.3 How does garbage get mixed with soil and become useful for us?
Answer: If we throw garbage in a pit and cover the pit with soil, the garbage mixes with soil and turns into manure which is used to grow crops for our food.
Q.4 What happens to the animals when they swallow polythene bags?
Answer: If animals swallow polythene bags, their throat can choke and they can die.
Q.5 How is polythene dangerous for us?
Answer: Polythene is not good for our environment. It does not mix with soil like other normal garbage. It stays in the soil forever and creates pollution everywhere.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences:
i. The garbage should be thrown ____________.
a. in dustbins ✓
b. here and there
c. in the classroom
ii. Garbage is made of _______________.
a. useful things
b. useless things✓
c. fresh things
iii. We should not use polythene because it ________________.
a. is a useless thing
b. looks very pretty
c. cannot be destroyed ✓
Word Power of UP Board Class 7 English Chapter 4
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the box:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the box:
moulded | manure | heap | swallow |
a. I tried to ____ the tablet with water.
b. Farmers add _____ to the soil.
c. The potter _____ clay into a pot.
d. A ____ of newspapers is lying on the table.
a. I tried to swallow the tablet with water.
b. Farmers add manure to the soil.
c. The potter moulded the clay into a pot.
d. A heap of newspapers is lying on the table.
Some items are given in the table below. Separate them into biodegradable (which get mixed with the soil) and non-biodegradable (which do not get mixed with the soil) items.
Paper | Metal-Plate | Vegetable-peels | Plastic-cups | Woollen-Clothes |
Glass | Wooden-box | Polythene | Battery | Cotton-Clothes |
Biodegradable Items | Non-biodegradable Items |
Paper | Metal-plate |
Vegetable-peels | Plastic-cups |
Woollen-clothes | Glass |
Wooden-box | Polythene |
Cotton-clothes | Battery |
Match the masculine gender given in column ‘A’ with its feminine gender given in column ‘B’:
A | B |
Tiger | Tigress |
Nephew | Niece |
Peacock | Peahen |
Horse | Mare |
Prince | Princess |
Language Practice
Mr And Mrs Meaning In Hindi Question 1.
Make questions beginning with ‘how’, using the following table:
— How wide is the road?
— How wide is the river?
— How long is the road?
— How long is the river?
—How far is your home (UPBoardSolutions.com) from the school?
— How far is the temple from here?
— How tall is Anu?
— How old is Anu?
— How tall are you?
— How old are you?
— How tall are they?
— How old are they?

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Mr. Garbage and Mrs. Polythene English Reader Class 7 Lesson 4 Up Board Class 7 English Chapter 4 Question Answer